How cardiac rehab is helping patients heal their heart


John Aitken is a busy man. As the Clinical Nurse Consultant for Cardiac Rehab in the state’s North, he looks after everyone who has experienced a cardiac event from Deloraine to the East Coast (and everywhere in between).

His role is all about helping people better understand their cardiac risk factors as well as pre and post-surgical education for people with a cardiac condition.

A six to eight week program, cardiac rehab is designed to get people moving after a cardiac event or surgery, with a team of specialists including physical therapists, social workers, pharmacists and nutritionists.

The rehab program can include exercise training, education on heart healthy living, and counselling to reduce stress and help people return to an active life.

People who do attend Cardiac Rehabilitation reduce their risk of dying from a heart attack in the following five years.

Cardiac rehab can help patients:

  • Recover after a heart attack or heart surgery.

  • Prevent future hospital stays, heart problems, and death related to heart problems.

  • Address risk factors that can lead to coronary heart disease and other heart problems. These risk factors include high blood pressure, high blood cholesterol, overweight or obesity, diabetes, smoking, lack of physical activity, and depression and other emotional health concerns.

  • Adopt healthy lifestyle changes. These changes may include following a heart healthy diet, being physically active, and learning how to manage stress.

  • Improve their health and quality of life.

Aside for helping patients reclaim their health, Mr Aitken said Cardiac Rehab is also extremely cost effective in terms of preventative health.

“It’s hugely important we are helping people learn how to live with a chronic heart condition, and reduce their risks of a serious event,” he said.

“Everyone who comes to see me is different and how much information they retain and act on, is up to the individual.

“Just a decade ago, patients were staying in hospital for days after their cardiac event. But with modern technology, particularly around coronary stenting, they can be out of hospital in a day.

“Cardiac rehab involves a long-term commitment from the patient and a team of health care providers.”

Clifford Craig