First look at the LGH’s new Research & Innovation Centre
Render courtesy of Artas Architects.
Plans for the Launceston General Hospital’s new Research and Innovation Centre are progressing, with the project now entering the final stages of design.
The fit for purpose centre represents a first for Northern Tasmania, housing all of the research interests of the LGH within one facility.
It’s expected to significantly enhance growing demand for services, with space for clinical trials, research, education and additional support staff.
Director of Research Professor Nicholas Shackel, with Clifford Craig CEO Vanessa Cahoon and outgoing CEO Peter Milne.
Located on the first floor of the Northern Integrated Care Service Building, plans for the new 1300 square-metre Clifford Craig Research Centre include five clinical workrooms, five consult rooms, as well as multiple meeting rooms and workstations.
The office of the Foundation will move from its current site on level 5 of the LGH, with Tasmanian Health Service and Foundation staff to co-locate within the new facility.
Director of Research Professor Nicholas Shackel said the centre represents a major expansion of the work the Foundation currently does, and will ensure the world’s best clinicians are incentivised to come and work in our region - contributing to the next big medical breakthrough.
“This will provide for the LGH to be recognised nationally as a leading centre of research excellence,” he said.
“It will also greatly increase Tasmania’s participation in ground-breaking medical research, on both a national and global scale.”
The Foundation signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the Tasmanian Government to establish the centre in late 2022, after securing $4 million in funding from the state and federal governments.
The Health Department will also employ a Research Business Coordinator, Clinical Trials Manager and Research Nurse Coordinator to oversee the centre.
Construction is expected to commence by the end of the year.
Render courtesy of Artas Architects.